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high poly

Kingdoms/Ryse (Crytek)

Ryse was originally Kingdoms, and started its life in Budapest, 2009. I was in the beginning the only character artist working on this project. Early 2009 we started to work on the visual style of the characters. We planned to move away from the classic realistic style, and experiment a little with stylized look.


These characters were sculpted in ZBrush, and assets base meshes were created using classic 3d modeling programs like 3d Studio Max, Softimage.


Most characters in this gallery were sculpted in about 2 weeks.


Ryse style was later changed, so these characters were not used in the final game.

Realtime Immersive

Realtime immersive is in the business of serious games. I did some characetr assets (a library of Taliban fighters, civilians) to their Virtual Attain and US Navy officers and helicopter pilot assets to the Littoral Operation Project

Lunch break projects

These projects were mostly done during lunch break. Our company policy is to spend one hour in a day with Lunch, and other mind relaxing activities. I used to spend this hour with improving my skills.

In this gallery, many faces were sculpted based upon a real person. I think that it's the best way to create a living, credible character. When I have a concept, I try to identify someone who is the closest to the concept. In many cases I find the right person in short time. Then collecting facial references of the "model" makes my life a lot easier.

In this gallery I use references like Marion Cottilard, Benedict Cumberbatch, Vinnie Jones, Scott Ly, Ian McShane...

Hard Surface modeling

As a character artist I rarely have the chance to model hard surface stuff, but I really enjoy modeling.

Usually I use primitives to start with, then I use plenty of methods to obtain the surface. My favourite tools are extruding, boolean (I know it's blasphemy, but I used to fix the topology really fast), and lattice (or FFD) and proportional modeling tools, and a caliper for measuring. Sometimes I build up curve guides to help me building up the surfaces.

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